Selasa, 01 April 2014


❥ The following are the characteristics :
❥ 1 . A wife who realize and accept willingly that the man ( husband ) is the leader of the women ..
❥ 2 . A wife whose husband realized that the position was one level higher than the wife ..
❥ 3 . A wife who always obey and respect to the husband for not invited in terms of disobedience ( disobedience to GOD ) ..
❥ 4 . A wife who clung to maintain his honor and who does not want to leave the house with her ​​husband se'enaknya own without permission ..
❥ 5 . A wife whose husband always meet in a living inner desires ( except with a strong reason forced to turn it down ) ..
❥ 6 . A wife who always put the interests of the husband over the affair lain.Termasuk interests of the parents though . ( Except obtain permission from the husband ) ..
❥ 7 . A wife who always keep the honor of her if her husband was not at home ..
❥ 8 . A wife who knows how to keep the treasure husband ( not wasteful ) , and also maintain a good husband honor when there is or is not home .
❥ 9 . A wife who always tries to beautify the front of her while husband ..
❥ 10 . A wife who always pleases her husband with an expression that seemed berseri.Murah smile that reassured her husband ..
❥ 11 . A wife who does not like to dress up to look pretty redundant by other men ..
Friends ❥ fillah ready to become a wife so .. ?
❥ Yes Allah ..Lead us to become the wife of such ..Being a wife who always obey the husband ..That will eventually bear fruit thy pleasure ..

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